Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day 56/365 - Nicky Garlic's!

A couple of months ago (has it really been that long??) one of our favorite people took a job a few towns away - meaning that we wouldn't be seeing Nicky nearly as often as we were used to. 
The kids and I attempted to visit him one afternoon, but he wasn't working. Tonight, A. got EJ to ask to go to Joey Garlic's for dinner. Not going to lie - the extra distance was daunting. Thursdays always find me exhausted by the time I get home. But Nicky wasn't answering my texts - which meant he was probably working. 

So, we journeyed. 

By the way, I have the entire movie (songs AND dialogue) of Frozen now memorized from constantly playing in the car. This makes car drives seem about 3-4xs longer than they actually are. Except when Olaf exclaims, "Happy Snowman!"

And we got to see our Nicky. 

And we were happy. 

Except for all our crankiness. 

Because that's how we roll. 

And even though I took a bunch of photos, these were the best I got. 

EJ was very proud of having photos taken in which he was poking his own eye. 

And, upon arriving home, A. went straight to bed. EJ is about to pop into the bath. And I'm lamenting the time between now and bedtime. It's a Thursday!

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