Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 137/365 - The Official Start

Summer vacation has officially started. 
A. is a rising eighth grader. No more seventh grade for her!  She received awards in science, language arts, and social studies this year - for excellence is grades and being a leader in the classroom. She participated in writer's workshops throughout the spring, as well as stretched herself artistically in classes such as theatre, sculpture, social media, photography, and dance - not to mention continuing her work in violin for her fourth year. 
EJ also had a momentous day - we officially registered him for PreK-4 to start this fall. He's super excited to go to school everyday like his sister!

My own momentousness was really enjoying these milestones for my kids. 
We're counting down our final days before our big family vacation now - a week I cannot wait to blog about!

 Her last photo as a 7th grader this morning. 

My little whovian - showing off his original sonic screwdriver while I tried to pack. 

And here we all are. 

Today. 💗

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