Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 192/365 - Wired at Bedtime

Holy moly. 
Someone is wired tonight. 

The sane offspring chose to forgo tonight's photos... 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 191/365 - Adventures!

Today was a day of adventures!

We started the day at the park - first looking for creatures in the marshes. 

Hello, froggie!

And then some time at the skate park. EJ enjoyed getting some scooter time in and A. finally got to try out the skateboard she got for her birthday. 

Yes. I knitted. 

From there, we ventured into new territory for all of us - we went to a berry farm and picked blueberries!

A. has never liked fruit. She'll eat bananas, but that's it. Today she actually tried a couple of blueberries. She's not exactly a fan, but she TRIED them. That, in itself, was HUGE!

Here they are, picking berries. 

EJ's own blueberry stash - he was adorably proud of them!

Me holding up the three pounds of blueberries we picked (and EJ's because he was taking the photo). 

I'll be honest - at first I cringed at this photo of me. It's not the most flattering. 
BUT - it's me. 
And it was taken by my very enthusiastic 4yo. 
And, well, blueberries. 
So, instead of hating, I've chosen to love it.💕

A. was very done with the berry picking adventure by then and hiding in the car, so no matching photo of her. 

I did, however, get her to agree to these at the berry farm:

And, finally:


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day 190/365 - Being In The Moment

On Wednesday, we started a cold turkey approach to screens. It's worked so far, I think, but it's also resulted in me feeling guilty pulling out my phone. 
So, uhm, we've skipped photos. 
We have, however, had lots of fun playing. Sensory activities have become huge - and lots of park time. 
A. is away for the weekend, camping. 
I've been working long days. 
EJ has been spending time at the skate park with Grandpa. 

Tonight, though, I allowed the phone to take some funny photos before bed. Enjoy!

I don't know why he needed his ankle in that photo. 

And I can't quite explain this one, either. 


This was EJ's favorite of mama. 

Thanks, kid. 


More aaaaa. 

And cheese. 

Being in the present and avoiding screens seems to be working to relieve not only temper tantrums from the 4yo set, but stress on mama's part. 


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day 189/365 - Happy Birthday to ME!!

I love my birthday. Always have. 
August twelfth has always been and always will be the most important day of the year. 

Of course, as much as I'd rather have spent the entire day doing FUN, I got to have a hearing at which I argued that my daughter's orthodontia IS medically necessary. And I got to get forms for the kids' schools picked up, filled out, and delivered. 

But I also got birthday wings for dinner!
A wing for every year!

And I enjoyed time with my family

And EJ dressed up for my birthday dinner 

And despite things that may have been less than pleasant, I had a great birthday, enjoying spending time with my kids. 


Monday, August 11, 2014

Day 188/365 - Neverending Energy

We (EJ and I) met up with a friend and her daughter today. It'd been a while, so we mamas got to catch up - and a couple of hours playing hard at the playground? Perfect for burning off the EJ energy!


Except that he's been go go going ever since. 
No screens today. 
Still SOOOOOOOO much energy!

Why don't we solve the world energy crisis with preschoolers?
I don't get it!

Holy moly. 

Anyway, he's also been (for the most part) really pleasant today, too. So that's a huge bonus. 
And causes this kind of photo:

(A. was in the shower - and preferred to remove herself from photos today.)

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Day 187/365 - Family Flashback

Even though I have this photo from today that includes me:

My family photo is one that was shared with me by TimeHop:

Yes. Four years ago. Shout out, as well, to my friend Beckie and her husband David, also in the photo, for meeting them that day - and to Sandra, for having the birthday we were all celebrating!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Day 186/365 - Bedtime Snuggly

With the elder child away for the night (and having left before I got home from work), today's photos are just me and the little one. Or tonight's. 
So, please enjoy these moments of bedtime snuggles:

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day 185/365 - I Didn't Take Any Photos Today

I would have - but I realized that the photos we'd had taken at Disney World were set to expire.  Today.

So this evening has been hours of going through the photos.  And they're downloaded now.
And, in honor of this momentous event (seriously - over 800 photos is pretty momentous), and to get you all excited for my posts on Disney World (because, yes, that is happening!) ...

I present some family photos that I didn't even know we had, but I absolutely LOVE!