Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 90/365 - Go On, Make My Day

It's raining. In fact, it's raining now inside - and of course, it's on my pillow. 

I guess roofing photos are on the horizon?
Or photos with the roofers?

EJ isn't feeling too well - I'll blame my own illness for his. I figured I'd put lotion all over him to make him feel better. 
Too. Much. Perfume. In the lotion. Made us both horribly worse. 

A got bored and tattooed her neck. Or chin. Or both?

And EJ decided to boycott photos tonight. 

That is, until he realized what fun we were having. 

And that was our evening tonight. 


Day 89/365 - A Photo-less Day

There are some days, I discover, that I don't document. 
To be honest, I was not a part of this day. I crawled through work and got home, crawled into bed and have stayed there since. Sickness kept me from being in the picture metaphorically - and from taking the picture literally. 

I know A. spent a good part of the day at school. Grandpa both drove her to the bus and picked her up - thankfully, as I was able to sleep. 
I think EJ spent most of his day playing with Legos. Grandpa watched him today, while I worked - and he kept himself busy when I got home. 

Some days I'm really not in the picture. And that's okay. 
Because hopefully tomorrow will find me refreshed and feeling better. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 88/365 - A Moment of Reflection

No. No bathroom mirror selfies. 
Not today, anyway. 

But as I sat down to do today's blog post, I realized that I enjoy the moment of reflection that comes at the end of most days, as I compose the photo post. 
Reviewing the day's events and photos and choosing what to post has become a way in which I can be mindful of each day. 
It wasn't my intent with this project - I went into this originally to be sure to document my own presence within my life's events. But it's almost meditative now. 

And so today's photos:

EJ met a new friend at the park today. 
Yes, that's a turtle, crossing to the pond. 
And yes. He made it safely. 

There were also a LOT of bubbles today. 

And there was more knitting!
And, yes, a slight debacle with some yarn. 
(I'm still figuring out how to include myself in panoramic photos)

But even the craziest tangles come free with work and patience and a lot of laughter. 

And the laughter continues and moves on and transcends even through the bedtime rituals at home. 

And now that all are in bed and I can sit down and relax with a cup of tea, I'm happy. And I'm happy with our day. 

Day 87/365 - NyQuil Fog?

I remembered to take photos - I just didn't remember to blog. I blame the NyQuil. 

Anyway, that pretty much sums up my day. 

But the good part is that there wasn't a LOT of squabbling today. 
A. even helped EJ get his shoes on and tied to go to dinner. 

And because no one wanted my germs all up in their dinner, they all decided on a plan - and let me come too. 

They even tolerated a weird in-car selfie by the sick lady, right before she fell back into her NyQuil haze. 
Weird, but all three of us are present!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day 86/365 - Party the Second

Really, I'm wiped.  It's been a LONG day.
Photos are going to have to tell today's story...


This is our family.  All of us.  In the picture.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Day 85/365 - A Better Day?

Okay, to be fair, the first part of EJ's day was difficult. 
Very. Difficult. 

But we had good moments. 
We went and watched the workmen working on the road.
This, by the way, is a whacker. It's what EJ got to try out yesterday!

And I was there, too!

My favorite parts of today were watching EJ and his best friend being adorable at the mall:

and after we picked up A. from the bus. The three of us sat down to look at our options for fastpass+ on our upcoming trip to Disney World. 

I figured we could take a photo then and there - since we were sitting there like this anyway. 
Thanks, EJ, for always thinking "smile" means "stick out your tongue."

And then the Lego weapons were brought out...

As good as we got today - but it was a good evening, despite our funny faces.