Tonight my daughter is fasting, in the midst (at this point) of her 30 Hour Famine. She is at our church, along with 20+ other youth, learning about the problem of world hunger and how they can help. She raised over $500 to support the organization,
World Vision, in their efforts to combat hunger. They're also working together to feed those who are more local to us, who are also hungry, putting together lunches for the homeless of Hartford, while fasting.
Every year, these youth amaze me.
And here's my amazing daughter - just before she left for her overnight. |
Of course, this means that I completely forgot to get a family photo today. Or, rather, I never really had both kids together in a setting that was conducive to such - the only times we were all together were in the car.
So, we did some more photos at dinner - without A. But I did, at least, get a photo of the two of us together today.